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Entenda o que é a tecnologia BIM usada na construção civil

Understand what BIM technology is used in construction

BIM – Building Information Modeling has been increasingly used in the construction sector, check out the importance of this technology:

What is BIM?

BIM is the acronym for the English term Building Information Modeling (in Portuguese, Information Modeling in Construction). This technology has been increasingly used in the construction sector, it helps in project planning and execution of the work.

Decree No. 10,306, of APRIL 2, 2020, established the mandatory use of this tool in public works, but large construction companies and city halls are increasingly adhering to BIM. Article 4 determined that its implementation will be gradual, divided into three phases. The first took place in 2021, the second phase takes place in 2024, and the third phase will be in 2028, each phase will have its use expanded, according to the regulations:

I – first phase – from January 1, 2021, BIM must be used in the development of architectural and engineering projects, referring to new constructions, expansions or rehabilitations, when considered of great relevance for the dissemination of BIM, under the terms of the provisions of art. 10, and will cover, at a minimum:

a) the preparation of architectural models and engineering models referring to the disciplines of:


Hidraulic instalations;

heating, ventilation and air conditioning installations; It is

electrical installations;

b) the detection of physical and functional interferences between the different disciplines and the review of architectural and engineering models, in order to make them compatible with each other;

c) the extraction of quantities; It is

d) the generation of graphic documentation, extracted from the models referred to in this section;

II – second phase – from January 1, 2024, BIM must be used in the direct or indirect execution of architectural and engineering projects and in the management of works, referring to new constructions, renovations, expansions or rehabilitations, when considered of great relevance for the dissemination of BIM, in accordance with the provisions of art. 10, and will cover, at a minimum:

a) the uses foreseen in the first phase;

b) budgeting, planning and control of the execution of works; It is

c) updating the model and its as-built information, for works whose architectural and engineering projects have been carried out or executed using BIM;

III – third phase: from January 1, 2028, BIM must be used in the development of architectural and engineering projects and in the management of works relating to new constructions, renovations, expansions and rehabilitations, when considered of medium or great relevance for the dissemination of BIM, in accordance with the provisions of art. 10, and will cover, at a minimum:

a) the uses foreseen in the first and second phases; It is

b) the management and maintenance of the project after its construction, whose architectural and engineering projects and whose works have been developed or executed using BIM.

Technological advances in construction

Civil construction has been going through several technological advances, currently there are different types of software that help from the design to the final stages of execution of the work. These programs help to improve the service, as the steps become more organized and less complex.

Many people think that BIM is a specific type of software, but in fact, it can be used on different platforms. It is a type of processes that are adopted and can be applied to different software, these are some of the most used: Edificius, Revit, ArchiCAD, Vectorworks, SketchUp, Blender. However, the use of these tools does not guarantee a BIM project, but rather the adherence to specific procedures.

In a BIM process, professionals from different areas include the necessary data, making the project progress smoother and more productive. Unlike individual file sharing methods, which are widely used, in which each professional develops the service individually.

How important is this technology?

BIM technology provides several benefits for construction, which is why this tool is essential for executing a project. BIM has the ability to estimate costs, analyze possible risks and failures, reduce deadlines, include data simultaneously, carry out virtual tests, have greater control over data, among other functions.

However, it is necessary to highlight that to have these advantages the process must be completely carried out using BIM. The same professionals, tools and work performed are also necessary in BIM, but the work is carried out in an integrated manner and with consistency of information throughout the project cycle.

One of the advantages provided by this tool when the project cycle is respected and properly developed is the saving of time and construction costs. According to Sienge, a solution provider for civil construction, the use of BIM makes it possible to save up to 40% in design and budgeting time in advanced project processes, compared to the traditional method. According to Sonia Keiko, vice president of New Business and Innovation at Engemon, the method can also reduce an average of 9.7% of total construction costs.

Furthermore, when there is a project process it is possible to have much more productivity, deadlines are met with ease and it brings more satisfaction to the customer. But when only the unilateral development of disciplines is carried out, the gains are normally reduced.

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